The website address: "" has been moved to "" as part of my plan to change to the new username.
My old username: "QuanMCPC/Quan_MCPC" has been a core part of my Internet profile ever since around 2016-2017 if I recall. Changing to this new username definitely won't be an easy task, but considering that the username doesn't correctly represent me anymore, I feel like it's a good thing to change to the new username.
I don't know if the new username "sudoker0" will be a good one or not, but only time will tell.
My old username will still be used as for some of my account, since changing them would be time-consuming, especially the one where users cannot change it directly on the website. Also, nothing about me will change, I'll still be the same old programmer and a dumbass.
And that's all. Thank you, my old username, for being a core part of my Internet profile. You'll still be around, but no longer used in the future. o7
TL;DR: New link to the website